Wednesday, December 3, 2008



A few weeks ago, I was raking all of the leaves in our front yard. I have four pecan trees so I have a lot of leaves! I had all these neat piles all over the yard, and then I hear this howl. Not the "I am in pain" howl, but the war whoop of a six year old. I turn and I see young Skyler leaping into the air, landing in one of my beautiful piles. Just as I was about to hollar at him to get out and fix that pile, I had that "I have become my mother" moment. I love my mother but I didn't really want to see the look of disappointment on my son's face. And I saw the sheer joy he felt as he leapt into the pile.
So I decided to move my piles into places for the most FUN! In front of the slide, and placed closed together for leap frog style leaf pile jumping. I wanted to be the coolest mom ever, and for about 30 minutes or so I was.
That is until I told my beautiful, laughing, happy children that they had to come inside and warm up. Oh well, I can't always be "so super cool", as I was affectionatley called that day!

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