Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's Been A While!

Many things have happened since the last time I posted. Dan has changed jobs, Emma Lee had a birthday, we celebrated another year of marriage, and Skyler is starting tee-ball! So many things going on!!

Emma Lee turned four early this month. She had a wonderful party at our house, and another at school.

Emma Lee's B-day1

She had to show everyone everthing (well, most of it!) she got for her birthday. Yes, that is a crocheted pony purse, and man is it the cutest thing ever!

Emma Lee's B-Day2

Happy Birthday To You, Blow out your candles and have one to grow on!!

Emma Lee's B-Day3

I thought this picture was too cute. She was so excited that it was her birthday. She was definitely the Birthday Princess... well, she is an everyday princess!

We had plenty of people at the house and she played with her cousin, Kylie, for a long time. Daddy bought her the pretty party dress that she is wearing, since he was at work when she had her party.

More for you later!

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