Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

This weekend was incredibly busy with many events going on. First off, I graduated with my Associate's Degree on Friday evening. I was unsure if I wanted to go through all of the stress of getting me, Skyler and Emma Lee ready for the ceremony but when my name was called and I walked across that stage, I realized it was so incredibly worth it. Dan tells me that this one feels good, but the next one feels so much better. A bunch of people came to the ceremony which made me feel really good.
The second thing that happened was that Dan came home after spending 18 days in Nebraska and Colorado. This trip was really difficult for me and for the children for some reason. He is leaving tomorrow for Texoma on Monday. This trip should be for about 2 weeks. So maybe it will be better than the last one, pray for me!!!
Also, this weekend was Mother's day! My parents took the children Saturday night through Sunday afternoon so that Dan and I could have some time together before he leaves again. I haven't been sleeping well since Dan left and I am pretty sure that I caught up on all of it!! I woke up this morning at 11:30, at breakfast, went back to bed until 3:30 in the afternoon. It was wonderful! Nobody needed me to handle anything today and I relished it. Because Monday, Dan leaves and it starts all over again.
On Monday, my mom and I are going to a local greenhouse to get some great bedding plants (and maybe a few others!) for my front flowers beds at the house. She wanted to give me a graduation gift that would keep for a long time and would be a great reminder, so this was her plan. I think it sounds wonderful!! My house needs a lift, seriously! I will post some pictures of the flower beds as soon as it is done!
But for now, I just want to say Happy Mother's Day to every mother out there!


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